Friday, 29 July 2011

Serio River Fluvial Park

This is the main configuratione: a long fluvial park with a central path going north-south, with three main spot areas.
The project fronts the impact of a new motorway (Bre.Be.Mi) on a rural area in the Pianura Padana, along the Serio River.

Schemes showing the features of the land

The table of the floodable area, with details, views (by S. Gatti) and the botanical aspect.

The schematic section of the different levels of the floodable area

Details of the boundaries of the floodable area.

Table of the birdwatching area, along the river, with special platform made of gabions and concrete (views by S. Gatti).

Table of the southest part, with entrance and fish club small building (views by S. Gatti).

Last table of the exam, showing the crossing of the peatonal path and the motorway Bre.Be.Mi (work in progress) and some technical drawings of the lighting system.
The main idea is to close an area just under the motorway bridge and left the nature growing spontaneously, according G. Clement theories.



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