First Friday of every month, you know where to go, in PGH.
Yesterday night, despite the rainy cold night, I went to Garfield on Penn, by bicycle, with a friend. First stop is Calabria's pizza, of course. Then, get the gallery crawl starting.
I won't explain you what each gallery did, but only post here some pictures of the most interesting things I saw. Interesting for good or bad, there is no unappellable judgment here. Just considerations about what people want to tell us. Let's listen to them.
cristian breitkreutz wants to tell us something about a struggling life. Among all his displayed works (that didn't make me crazy for buying them, by the way) I just select these. I found interesting the similarity to some famous paintings. I'm pretty sure I could have found more links, but this is it, for now.
(name of the place n.a.)
This place is short on Penn, but very deep in the building. And at the end of it I found a lot of old chairs, each is different. Each must have seen a lot of backs, I would say. Each is ready for guesting the next guests. Music, probably. The displayed art was not that interesting, but the chairs were somehow uncannibly photogenic.
Photographs transformed into kaleidoscopes - by Andrew Karaman. An elegant game for the eyes.
Amazing collection of stories, readable on each picture displayed in a very effective way. The theme is not new, but the pictures are very good and well printed. Caldwell Linker is the photographer and at the Artesan Tattoo Gallery you can also see the book about the work. I wish I were braver, and buyed that. This is a good example about how to talk about something. And you don't need words to tell it.
Since the picture (on the right) was playing with the concept of double life, I played a little with Photoshop, coz I wanted to meet both the personalities (on the left, my editing). Nice to meet you both!
And for the first time, since the cold weather attracted less crowd, I noticed the flooring of the place.
All made out of1 cents!
Good lessons of photography also here, but not only - as usual for the IFG. Mainly related to PGH, I just selected few works I thought were very well done.
Gallery on Penn@Winebiddle
It finally opened, after a summer of work in progress. This is my first visit there. Very nice space, furnished with old armchairs that totally deserve a visit there. Oldish but goodish.
The best is the working old charcoal burner, working, with an old guy telling stories in front of the fireplace. Nice nice nice!
In time of Elections, I leave you with a quote by President Wilson.
See you "next" Friday.
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